DAI Presents Gender Case Studies at European Development Days 2016

June 22, 2016

DAI recently hosted a lab session and stand on gender equality at the 10th annual European Development Days conference in Brussels.

Organised by the European Commission, European Development Days brings development practitioners together to “share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.” This year’s conference was dedicated to exploring the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

DAI’s session, “Gender Equality Gets Results,” featured examples of how DAI integrates gender into its core programming. Panelists spoke about three U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)-funded programmes: Bhairav Raja presented on the Mozambique Access to Finance Programme; Conflict Resolution Advisor Uzma Latif presented on the Pakistan AAWAZ Voice and Accountability Programme; and Bridget Osho from Sierra Leone’s Justice Sector Coordination Office presented on justice and gender in that country.

Click here to listen to a podcast about the session.

DAI also hosted a stand that showcased the DFID-funded Sierra Leone Access to Security and Justice Programme (ASJP), showcasing ways it has raised awareness among women and girls of justices services. Two such ways on display were “Leh Wi Know,” a radio show created by BBC Media Action, a DAI partner, and used by ASJP to inform citizens of Sierra Leone about their rights; and a free telephone advice line, the first of its kind in Sierra Leone.

“We received lots of interest in the programme and had the opportunity to speak about our work,” said DAI’s Chloe Messenger. “The event was a valuable networking opportunity, and we were delighted to meet and engage with our fellow consultants, donor representatives, and members of other organisations.”



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