Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Duration: 2014-2019
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: Kenya
Solutions: Economic Growth
The first phase of the Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) in Kenya—from 2009 to 2012—reached 69,000 households in four northern counties with a cash transfer payment every two months. Phase 2 expanded coverage within the same four counties: Marsabit, Mandera, Turkana, and Wajir.
Households receiving the regular bi-monthly cash transfers were selected from the poorest 10 percent in each county, using a combination of Community-Based Targeting and Proxy Means Testing. A scalable emergency cash transfer response to droughts was built for 470,000 households, which were provided with bank accounts and cards in advance to facilitate rapid transfers.
The goal of HSNP2 was to continue to reduce poverty, hunger, and vulnerability in the focus counties, resulting in better and more sustainable safety nets for poor and vulnerable households.
Through HSNP, more than 600,000 of Kenya’s most vulnerable people had access to cash transfers on a regular basis and up to 2.1 million people were reached with emergency cash transfers in times of drought or flood.
RADP-East addressed issues of unreliable irrigation, poor agricultural cultivation techniques, and a lack of knowledge about accessing new markets, by using a value chain facilitation strategy to improve crop yields and find new outlets for rural Afghan farmers to sell their harvests, thereby increasing the food and economic security of the region.
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