Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2003-2013
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Vietnam
Solutions: Economic Growth Governance
VNCI was an economic growth project designed to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam through 1) improved economic governance, particularly at the provincial level, through the Provincial Competitiveness Index and key policy research analysis; 2) demonstration and catalytic work in four industries (information and communications technology, dragon fruit, home furnishings, and banking, which also addressed SME access to credit) to remove key constraints to international competitiveness; and 3) improved access to financing for SMEs. This U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) project harnessed the booming economic energy in Vietnam and empowered its employers, employees, and consumers. Working under USAID, DAI assisted the Government of Vietnam in implementing the Prime Minister’s administrative reform (called Project 30) that inventoried more than 5,700 administrative procedures, 9,000 legal documents, and thousands of forms in the first National Database, as part of an effort to increase transparency and access for citizens and businesses.
CAMI improved service delivery and strengthened government legitimacy across 50 local municipalities in Kyrgyzstan, which resulted in 15,636 residents with improved access to clean drinking water, 53,245 citizens benefitting from improved garbage collection, and 590 public dialogue sessions.
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