Worldwide—SERVIR Program Demand Activity

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2012-2015

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Climate Environment

Satellites photograph the world, providing a world of information. DAI helped use this information to help countries prepare for and mitigate the effects of changes to climate and natural and manmade disasters.

Established in 2004 by NASA, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and others, SERVIR provides a web-based geospatial platform for sharing, integrating, and mapping climate data from satellite imagery.

This data pertains to numerous adverse climate conditions and has multiple uses, including forecasting of weather, floods, and fires; monitoring of fires, air quality, ocean chlorophyll, coral reefs, and snowmelt; and assessment of post-disaster and biodiversity conditions, and changes to land cover.

Current SERVIR hubs operate in Nairobi and Kathmandu, and hubs serving West Africa and Southeast Asia are being developed, but these hubs do not have effective systems for marketing their data. DAI helped turn this robust information platform into a product- and service-oriented operation, whereby the regional hubs create climate-data products and services for public and private clients.

DAI’s work entailed four main areas—mapping of regional market demand, product development, marketing and outreach, and planning for sustainability.

Sample Activities

  • Define and segment the SERVIR customer bases, consider how these customers can be better served, and identify methods to expand the depth and reach of the customer base.
  • Capture most robust and replicable climate decision support products currently being used, identify gaps in product/services and market demand, and work with hub staff and NASA to design high potential products.
  • Enhance market understanding of new and existing SERVIR products, participate in industry events, and launch new products with appropriate media to generate demand.
  • Create business plans with hub directors to ensure financial sustainability based on a mix of revenue streams—fee for service, tiered subscription, content sponsors, and grant/contract writing.
  • Assist USAID to establish the Southeast Asia SERVIR hub.

Select Results

  • Developed SERVIR Product Catalogue.
  • Evaluated and refined land cover and hydrologic monitoring products with scientists in Nepal and Kenya.
  • Coordinated events in Washington, Nairobi, and Kathmandu to market SERVIR products and services.
  • Prepared grant program to fund qualified applicants in their work to utilize space exploration to address social needs.
  • Helped lead workshops with NASA that addressed sustainability of SERVIR imagery, products, and services.
  • Established subcontract mechanism with SERVIR hubs in Nepal and Kenya to hire hub-level SERVIR demand staff in evaluation, communications, monitoring and evaluation, and grant management.


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